Friday 6 December 2013

Far cry 4 coming 2015

Far cry 4 was started develop after the release of far cry 3 but ubisoft then make another team from the developer of far cry to improve watch dogs. Making this decision and far cry 4 was push back to end of 2015 and now in internet you see vaas as hero in far cry 4 but it is fake because a new character is coming and it will be in a new island with more bigger than far cry 3 and new engine is coming called dunia engine 3.
And ubisoft will use havok engine for physics and it will be only for next gen game and high end pc. But the release date of the game can shift to 2016 because of the new title like watch dogs and new assassin creed.
Ubisoft will release a trailer by the end of 2014 of the new far cry 4. Stay tune more news will come soon.

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